Hey, Dental Babes! All Loupe wearers know that they can make or break how your work-days go; and while we LOVE doing fun blogs on makeup and why Dental Babes are the best, we figured we’d go ALL DENTAL EVERYTHING for this one. Loupes are something that we are pretty passionate about, so we wanted to let you guys in on our favs and let you know why you should be wearing them!
First and foremost, we’ll state the obvious by saying the Loupes have the ability to help you do your job as efficiently as possible. Why make your eyes work harder to see that itty bitty little millimeter line while probing?! Calc could be missed and decay could be over looked without them...Do yourself AND your patient a favor!
What you may not know about Loupes is that they also physically help your posture by eliminating the need to hunch over as closely as possible to the tooth to see what is going on. Little by little, you start to lean closer and closer to your patient without even realizing. Last time we checked, your patient doesn't want your bossoms or face in their personal space. If you wear loupes and we bet you can balance a book on your head while saving those smiles. Like a dental model, right? YES.
So now let’s get to our favorites and let ya know why we love each brand the way we do:
Lumadent: Talk about battery break through. Hate the awful cords from your light that seem to ALWAYS get in the way? You're in luck because Lumadent is one of our favorites for their cable-less battery system called Unilux Led Headlight System. (As seen pictured below). Perfect for infection control or those scrubs without pockets! It's also one of the smallest headlamps out there; which is definitely a plus, seeing as patients can already only see half of our face due to our mask. Lumadent has set themselves aside by offering erganomic features and super sleek designs. and UMM how cute are their battery colors?! Lumadent Loupes can be purchased starting at $700. Click here.

Eclipse: Eclipse makes our list for a few reasons, first and foremost, they are a family run business who understand the costs that come along with our career. They give you the ability to obtain the highest grade of quality loupes and lighting at the lowest costs available. Not only are their Loupes very affordable, starting at just $600, but they also come with a LIFETIME warranty at no extra cost, which is super awesome. They seem to really have a passion specifically for Dental Hygienists, which we can totally appreciate…right!? Click here.
Orascoptic: If you’re looking for variety, Orascoptic is where it’s at. It almost seems like their Loupe options are custom made just for you, given the amount of detail choices unique to each pair. Not only do they’ve got the variety, but they've got style too! They have adorable color and printed Loupes to express your personality and add a little more fun to what you do! Orascoptic is a bit pricer though, starting around $1,000. Our favorite style would have to be the RDH Elite. Finally, they made a loupe that DOESN'T look like your dad's safety glasses. Click here.

Do you LOVE your Loupes but don’t seem them mentioned here? Comment below and tell us what we’re missing out on! Hope this blog has encouraged you to come to the bright side ;)